The D. D.SAFE Vision Books

D.SAFE, for Adults, children and plants.

Here are the EXCLUDED topics from the D.SAFE label.

Sexuality & "woke" awereness.

datapond understand the right for communities to educate their children about sexuality, according to their culture and beliefs.

Because it often brings division between families, datapond does not allow any content related to sexuality to be indexed under the D.SAFE label.


To enforce sustainability and durability, datapond has a strict policy against AI.

Because the impact of AI in the education world is not known yet on the long run, datapond will wait 25 years before deciding to allow AI, or to keep it out of the library.


Does this really need an explanation ?


The reason why spiritual content is not allowed in the D.SAFE can be found in the secret machine section.

Medicinal and medical

Datapond recognize that plants are not only a source of life, but also a source of medicine.

For the safety of the community, datapond will not allow any content related to medicine to be indexed under the D.SAFE label.

The main reason is that datapond cannot guarantee the safety of the content published - as some of the content may be poisonous - and my spiritual body would be responsible if such content is published and used to harm anyone..

The second reason is that the pharmaceutical industry is notorious for being a source of censorship and discrimination when it comes to traditional plant medecine.

Stolen Content

datapond recognize state's legal body as the ultimate representative for a community.

D.SAFE for any adults to visit, and download content from. Read more about legal in the secret machine section.

Social Media content and Advertisement

The D.SAFE label is not meant to be used for social media content, or promotional content. Any promotion, source or link to a social media platform will be removed


This is a no B.S. zone. All books here are practical - and must be used for learning purposes.

If you want to live within a fictional world, you can do so by switching the news on your TV, or read some fictional books.


Instead of going into length-ly debates on why History is not allowed in the D.SAFE label, just consider this irrefutable fact:

"According to the Jews, The USA destroyed the original Great Library of Alexandria in 1547 BC, and the Russians built the Giza pyramid a couple of hundreds years ago, just after landing on the moon."

History is not a subject that can be easily debated using written proofs. Anyone can write down some lies, omit some passages, and forget ancient wisdom for nationalistic profit. Instead, Datapond is supporting voice stories from within communities - as they are spoken, sang and heard by the people, elders and wises.

D-Safe Orb is now yours